Alongside our belief 'Nourish your body, indulge your soul' is our philosophy to do business in a sustainable way. This includes all our processes and practices: from product and packaging sourcing all the way through energy-efficient deliveries and the way we treat our employees.
Furthermore, we've been collaborating with City Harvest for surplus stock, so that no good product ever goes to waste. The charity then delivers it for free to people who would otherwise go hungry. We could not agree more with City Harvest's belief: 'Sharing food – nourishing others - is one of the simplest, most powerful ways of showing we care.'
Recently, we've launched our new sustainable packaging that will replace the current box of 10 balls. While the packaging was beautiful, glossy and sturdy, we felt we could do better and came up with a solution for a compostable bag. The customers' response has been overwhelming, which for us is the most encouraging sign that we are on the right track with our sustainable business practices.
Have an idea how we can improve even further? We would love to hear from you. Let us know!